How To Conquer A Career Plateau Like A Pro

How To Conquer A Career Plateau Like A Pro

A career plateau might seem inevitable at some point in your life.

Rest assured, there is a solution.

If you’re committed to professional growth, these successful strategies below can be employed to conquer a career plateau like a total pro, and might even help you score higher pay.

Audit Your Career

Take time to reflect on how and why you might have hit a career plateau in the first place. Try to identify when exactly your career growth stalled or when climbing the ladder came to a halt.

Ask yourself if your company lacks advancement opportunities, if you lost drive, or if you accidentally got pigeonholed. Are you suffering from burnout or did you simply get complacent in your role and stopped applying yourself to new projects as a result?

Depending on your answers, it might be time to reconsider your direction if your job no longer stimulates you or challenges you.

Alternatively, if you suspect you are stuck in a rut in a dead-end job even with going above and beyond, create an exit strategy and kickstart your job search.

Reskill and Upskill

Investing in yourself is one of the best investments you can make.

Reskilling and upskilling is all the rage given today’s competitive and ever-changing landscape.

Thankfully, it’s never been easier to acquire new skills, complete certification programs, or even earn a post-grad degree, courtesy of online education programs.

Research in-demand skills that are relevant to your role and would add value to your career. Share your plans with your boss and connect with your Human Resources department to learn if there are benefits to cover the costs of the education programs in which you have interest.

Bolstering your education and making yourself more marketable can help you leave your career plateau in the rear-view mirror.

Lifelong learning is essential to beef up professional brand and propel your career growth.

Overhaul Your Resume

Updating your resume, portfolio, and LinkedIn profile with your new skills and recent accomplishments is a great way to stay ready for new opportunities for advancement when they arise.

However, you may not be doing yourself justice if your resume is poorly formatted.

If it’s been too long since you last updated your resume, a resume writing service is the winning way to go.

Don’t be deterred by the upfront cost. Instead, view it as an investment. Have an objective outsider overhaul your resume and highlight your top skills and accolades for you. They typically understand how to format a resume to get it seen and make it stand out from the crowd.

Once your resume is polished in A+ shape, you might even find that you were selling yourself short in the process.

The bottom line is that a professional resume writing service can create a knockout resume in no time and help you skyrocket off your career plateau.


To help bolster your career advancement, reconnecting with recruiters and expanding your network of professionals should be a priority.

This can be accomplished through touching base periodically with your network, attending professional events and workshops, or even leveraging LinkedIn.

Keeping these outlets open and active can lead to external career advancement opportunities or get you noticed for an internal promotion.

Lean On A Mentor

Mentorship has valuable benefits no matter your stage of life and it’s always a good idea to make sure you have an experienced mentor or colleague in your corner.

Reaching out to someone who understands and can empathize with the struggles of your line of work can give you invaluable insight.

Whether it’s through advice on handling a difficult manager or insight into an atypical career pivot that could prove more successful, having the support of someone you trust can transform your career.

Take time to connect with a trusted mentor for advice on how to get off your career plateau.

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

One of the best ways to grow professionally is to seek out uncharted territory and find opportunities to challenge yourself.

From taking on different types of projects, to continuously learning new skills and technologies, it’s important to embrace opportunities that are outside your comfort zone.

Saying yes to new experiences can unearth opportunities, provide chances for growth, reinvigorate your motivation—ultimately, conquering your career plateau.

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