How To Make Decisions (Sans Second-Guessing)

How To Make Decisions (ZERO Second-Guessing)

Decision-making can be daunting.

Overthinking, second-guessing, and regret can all result in missed opportunities, discontentment, and lost time.

However, the importance of making better decisions cannot be overstated. It’s an ongoing sport and vital part of everyday life.

For those who are plagued with the inability to make a decision (confidently) and restlessly second-guess every decision, rest assured. There are ways to approach decision-making that can make the process easier and more effective.

Say goodbye to the should’ve, could’ve, would’ve and retire decision-making fatigue once and for all.

Here’s how.

Define Your GVP (Goals, Values, Priorities)

The first step in making better decisions without uncertainty is to define your goals, values, and priorities. This may include goals such as achieving financial wellness, improving your relationships, or advancing your career.

Take time to identify your North Star if you haven’t already. Once you know what matters to you most and what you’re working towards, you can then assess your options and evaluate which ones align best with your goals, values, and priorities.

Write Down Pros And Cons

It’s always a good time to make a list of pros and cons.

Before making decisions (no matter how small), it is important to identify the positive and negative aspects of each option in front of you.

Writing them down can help you see things more clearly and make a more logical decision. This exercise also gives you a better understanding of what to expect when making a choice.

Ward Off Overthinking

Overthinking is one of the main factors that leads to second-guessing and indecisiveness. It is important to evaluate your options, but don’t get caught up in indecision paralysis.

Instead, identify your decision-making criteria, assess your options against them, and make the best decision based on the information you have at the time.

Imagine Making One Decision Over Another

When you’re faced with choices, take a minute to imagine that you just made one of those choices, and tell yourself the other choice is no longer an option. How do you feel? Are you disappointed?

It is essential to evaluate your emotions when making a decision. Playing out scenarios and gauging how you feel in each one can help prevent second-guessing after making a decision.

Consider The Consequences

Consider the consequences of each decision, both positive and negative. Proactively considering the effects of your options can help you make an informed decision without second-guessing

Avoid impulsive decisions when the stakes are high. Proactive planning ahead can alleviate post-decision-making regret.

Invite Advice (Selectively)

Getting an outside perspective can sometimes help you make a better decision. However, welcoming advice is different from relying on advice.

Depending on the decision, consider seeking advice from a trusted friend, colleague, or mentor who has gone through a similar experience.

Having someone to bounce ideas off can help you get out of your head, gain clarity, and make a more clear-headed decision.

Embrace The Element Of Uncertainty

There will always be an element of uncertainty in any decision you make.

Rather than viewing the unknown as a negative, embrace it as an opportunity. Reflect on past experiences where you have taken risks and made successful decisions.

Have confidence in your ability to handle whatever challenges (or opportunities) come your way.

Analyze Options Objectively

It’s easy to get swallowed up in emotions when making decisions, which can consequently cloud your judgment.

Taking a step back and analyzing the situation objectively can help you see things more clearly. It is important to consider the objective facts and realities when weighing options.

Leverage Your Intuition And Trust Your Instincts

If you find yourself leaning into one decision over another, that might be your intuition speaking. Often, following your intuition can guide you to make better decisions without second-guessing.

It is essential to listen to your gut feeling and trust your instincts, especially when it comes to important decisions.

Accept The Outcome (Unconditionally)

People tend to second-guess decisions after the outcome is less than desirable, which beckons the need for expectation management.

While it is natural to reflect on your decisions, avoid dwelling on the past, which can hinder your present.

Accept the outcome and learn from the experience. Use it to inform your future decision-making and move forward with more confidence.

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