6 Overly Simple Ways To Stop Selling Yourself Short

6 Overly Simple Ways To Stop Selling Yourself Short

Selling yourself short is a disservice to your worth.

Whether you are downplaying your strengths or doubting your abilities, selling yourself short is detrimental to your value and can open opportunities for people to take advantage of you.

Thankfully, there are simple ways to remedy selling yourself short and overcome this avoidable (yet common) practice.

Here are 6 ways you can stop selling yourself short and quit this bad habit for good.

Accept Praise

People often brush off compliments by changing the subject or deflecting with humor. While compliments can be uncomfortable, it’s an important practice to accept praise, especially for a job well done.

If your knee-jerk reaction is to deflect quickly when someone is trying to pay you a compliment, take a beat. Practice pausing for a moment, and let the compliment land.

Remember that you should own your value regardless if you receive praise from others or not, but allow someone else to recognize your value as well.

Retire Imposter Syndrome

If you feel like you are undeserving of your achievements, you might be suffering from Imposter Syndrome.

It’s important to practice owning your competence and embracing your strengths instead of doubting your ability.

Remember, there will always be others who have seemingly done more than you. Perhaps others have travelled more, landed more enviable jobs, or accumulated more wealth. That’s not cause for feeling down on yourself or casting doubt on your potential.

Keep in mind that social media contributes significantly to Imposter Syndrome. So if you suspect this is a source of your Imposter Syndrome, take a hiatus from social media.

Rather than trying to be like other people, own your uniqueness and know your value. It’s a waste of time trying to emulate others when you have your own strengths and untapped potential to unlock.

Quit Settling

People often settle for less than they deserve because they convince themselves they aren’t worthy. It’s an important practice to reassure yourself daily that you are already worthy where you are. Quit settling for less and see how your life benefits from it.

Demanding what you deserve is a surefire way to stop selling yourself short.

Practice Confidence

If selling yourself short is a perpetual hobby, chances are you have low self-esteem. While you might need to dig deeper to diagnose the cause of your low self-esteem, practice rebuilding your confidence almost like it’s a job until it becomes second nature.

Confidence doesn’t come easy to all, but it’s a necessary enabler in life. The last thing you want is people walking all over you because they sense your lack of confidence and might take advantage of it.

With practice, you’ll recognize how rewarding it is to possess confidence both in your personal and professional life.

Plan for Success

Planning for success instead of failure programs your mind to achieve rather than to expect failure.

Although failures are a part of life, and you shouldn’t fear failure, mold your mindset to expect success as a way to manifest the life you want.

Also, if you need ideas to stop feeling stuck, make a list of ways to overhaul your life. Create a pivot plan that excites you and include actionable steps that could propel your growth.

Start Over

Much of people’s lives are consumed in their jobs. If you feel unfulfilled by your job or that you are not maximizing your potential, this could be a sign that it’s time to start over, even if it’s uncomfortable.

Start by exploring other careers that are of interest to you and that you feel could unlock your untapped potential.

Erase the fear of starting over, and embrace the unknown instead.

Your path is yours to create. It’s extremely common to reach a point in your life when you need to take a U-Turn. Acting on this feeling could be key to discovering new interests.

Watch your life open up and improve significantly when you stop selling yourself short and start owning your value. You are the only person who create fulfillment in your life.

It’s never too late to change course and redirect your path at any time, for any reason or no reason at all.

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