10 Ways To Stop Feeling ‘Stuck’

10 Ways To Stop Feeling 'Stuck'

Feel like you’ve been running on a hamster wheel and are tired of the endless monotony?

If this sounds like you, and you’ve been feeling perpetually stuck in a rut for a while, try these 10 ways that might help you restart and stop feeling stuck.

Curate A Positive Social Group

Make a conscious effort to only surround yourself with positive people who support and listen to you when you need to vent. Look for people who aren’t judgmental and don’t have an agenda other than helping you unravel your problems. Find people who add to your life and help you see the positives.

Let Go Of Perfectionism

One of the biggest reasons why people feel stuck is because they aim for perfection. Perfectionism is a form of self-sabotage because it can make people feel like they can’t ever reach their destination.

When you start working on something and hit a roadblock, your brain immediately goes into overdrive. It tries to discover how you could have failed so badly to ensure this never happens again.

The problem with this kind of thinking is that it keeps you from progressing toward your goals. It’s like trying to run a race; no matter how hard you try, your mind won’t ever cross the finish line.

Align Your Mindset

In order to stop feeling stuck, you might need to re-align your mindset to try to manifest the life you want. Be very selective about what you’re consuming, whether it’s social media, TV, or in real life, and put together an action plan to rid your life of monotony and/or toxicity.

Visualize your end goal for yourself and where you wish to be while still appreciating the present.

Celebrate The Small Wins

To move forward and make progress in your growth, you have to celebrate the small things. It’s important to celebrate the small wins and celebrate yourself for not giving up when life gets messy. It’s essential to acknowledge your progress, even if it doesn’t seem like much at first glance.

The best thing you can do is focus on your journey rather than replaying the past or wondering how your future might play out.

Make A Gratitude List

A gratitude list is a collection of things you are thankful for each day, week, or month. Think of it like an affirmation. Practice either making a mental note or writing down one thing you’re grateful for each day, or each week, whichever is more realistic for you.

A gratitude list is an effective exercise that allows you to see what you have to give thanks for in your life and can help you to stop feeling stuck by being present and mindful.

Focus On One Thing At A Time

In order to stop feeling stuck, focus on one thing at a time instead of trying to do too much all at once. The feeling of being overwhelmed would only amplify feeling stuck and motionless.

It’s imperative to not spread yourself too thin. You might wind up not having the energy to do anything.

Ask For Help

Chances are people in your life are in the same boat. Even though it may be uncomfortable, broach the topic of trying to stop feeling stuck with a friend in an informal setting using a conversational tone.

Asking for help is especially effective for pensive people. If you tend to get lost in deep thought often, practice getting out of your head and talk to others in your life. Brainstorming ideas together can be helpful, and also fun.

Practice Patience

They say, patience is a virtue. It’s also an essential skill that you can learn and practice. If you’re feeling stuck in any aspects of life, try practicing patience with yourself (and others) when things don’t go as planned.

Imagine, if you instantly had exactly what you wanted, there would be no longing. Not having instant gratification makes you patient and appreciative of waiting for things you want.

Understand What’s Out Of Your Control

Sometimes you simply cannot change your situation. Complaining about things you cannot change wastes time, energy, and focus, and could radiate negativity throughout your life.

Instead of complaining, focus on the things you can change. By doing this, you’ll be able to see more clearly what needs to be done for your situation to improve. You’ll feel more empowered and optimistic about the future because you’re taking action and taking back control.

Reclaim Your Life

Reclaiming your life is a whole lot simpler than it sounds. You can do so in 3 easy ways:

  • Changing how you think about a situation.
  • Changing how you behave in a crisis.
  • Changing how much time or energy it takes you to get over an event or person holding you back from reaching your goals.

The Takeaway

The key to stop feeling stuck and move forward is taking small steps to help yourself ignite change. Don’t overthink. Rather, seek support and practice gratitude, mindfulness, and being in the present to reclaim (and restart) your life.

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