6 Clever Ways To Avoid Getting Pigeonholed

6 Clever Ways To Avoid Getting Pigeonholed

Getting pigeonholed is a worst-case scenario since most people don’t want to be limited or trapped in their jobs.

This is why it’s critically important to find ways to avoid getting pigeonholed proactively and have as many avenues open as possible.

Here are 6 clever ways to avoid getting pigeonholed in your career.

Chart A Non-Linear Path

Do you want a career that’s eventful and varied? Are you constantly thinking about what’s next? If so, then you must be open to (and ready for) new opportunities. The more skills and experience you gain now, the better prepared you’ll be should you want to change lanes.

When curating your skill set, try not to get locked into one area of expertise. This may lead to boredom and unhappiness as well as being less marketable as an employee.

Embrace The Uncomfortable

To avoid getting pigeonholed in your career, you must embrace being uncomfortable. The best way to do this is by welcoming challenges and accepting opportunities that arise that will propel your professional growth.

Shying away from uncharted territory can inhibit professional growth. Actively seek opportunities outside your comfort zone whenever possible.

Never Not Network

No matter your age, networking never grows old. Having a robust network can lead to all sorts of opportunities.

It’s easy (and all too common) to get complacent once you’ve landed a dream job. However, complacency in your career is a MAJOR vulnerability.

Keep in touch with contacts not just when you need something. This way, your professional relationship with someone isn’t solely transactional. Make sure to keep alive connections and alternative avenues on an ongoing basis.

Work In Different Industries

Working in different industries is an excellent way to expand your skill set and versatility. You’ll be able to do more things, which makes you more valuable overall.

Having experience across industries also demonstrates your adaptability to employers and allows you to change course more freely, and it may even lead you to potentially higher-paying jobs.

The most important thing you can do is be ready to move on if something better comes along. If you are unhappy with your current job, don’t be afraid to walk away.

Just make sure you get your ducks in a row first, from building your emergency fund to having an exit strategy in place.

Accept Contract Jobs (Exclusively)

Working contract jobs can allow you to temporarily commit to a company.

Common contract lengths include 3-months, 6-months, or 12-months with potential extensions. This is a great option for those who enjoy job hopping and need change every so often.

Contract jobs can also help expand your network and amplify your professional brand. Just make sure you are leaving a positive impression and performing high-quality work at each of your contract jobs.

Be An Active Learner

One of the best ways to avoid getting pigeonholed or stuck in a rut is to be an active learner. Active learning is an ongoing process where you prioritize lifelong learning by acquiring new skills and improving your knowledge base.

It’s important to note here that it is not just about learning things related directly to your job. It could also mean taking classes outside of work hours or even reading books on topics unrelated (but still relevant) to your career path.

Get creative in thinking about ways to apply your existing skill set in a different context. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or make mistakes. This is part of the reason it pays dividends to have a professional mentor.

Active learning requires humility and openness, and it’s in the best interest of advancing your career and could lead to valuable experiences.

The Takeaway

Frankly, the way most people get pigeonholed is by taking a passive approach to their careers. The best way to avoid such a predicament is to consciously commit to lifelong learning and acquire in-demand skills to future-proof your career.

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