11 Foolproof Ways To Find Your Inner Peace

11 Foolproof Ways To Find Your Inner Peace

Is inner peace nothing more than a state of mind?

Finding your inner peace is a process that’s different for everyone.

For some people, finding their inner peace means meditating everyday or simply practicing gratitude. For others, it’s setting intentions, upending their lives, or simply distancing themselves from toxic friendships.

Whatever your approach may be, there are many ways to find your own inner peace—and if you’re not feeling peaceful right now, maybe it’s time to change your approach.

Identify Your North Star

What are you working towards? What fuels you? Do you know what aligns and guides you? By asking yourself these questions, you can begin to understand what you need to do in order to get where you want to be.

Ask yourself, what would make your soul feel settled?

Having a clear direction and knowing what your North Star is can significantly help you find your inner peace.

Center Yourself

To find your inner peace, it’s important to be centered.

For some, having a daily routine or ritual helps to do just that. At the very least, you should make it a practice everyday to be present and mindful of what matters most to you.

Not only can this help keep you grounded, but it can also help you achieve your inner peace.

Set intentions (Not Expectations)

Set intentions, not expectations. When you set an intention, you are stating that this is what you want and letting go of any attachment to the outcome.

You can’t control everything in life. There will always be things that happen that you don’t plan or expect. The trick is to focus on making sure your intentions are clear so that when they’re not met in full (or at all), it won’t feel like a personal failure.

This approach can help you maintain hope and optimism even when things aren’t going quite as planned.

Plus, proper intention-setting can help you sustain your motivation to keep working toward your goals rather than giving up after one setback or disappointment.

Surround Yourself With Supportive People

Supportive people are the ones who are happy for you when you are happy, and they are there for you when things go awry.

Supportive people allow you breathing room to grow without judgment. They don’t secretly revel in your failures when you go through a breakup or don’t get a promotion, for example.

Eliminate Toxicity

On a similar note, certain individuals can feel like a dark cloud hovering over your life. Those people drain your happiness and can increase your cynicism.

Eliminate any toxic people in your life, including toxic friends who might have even been in your life for a while.

If you can’t abandon toxic friends cold turkey, try limiting contact and declining opportunities to hang out, in order to prioritize your inner peace.


Meditation may not be for everyone, but it is an effective practice worth trying. Meditation can help you decompress and clear your mind.

It’s also a great way to focus on the present, which may help you find your inner peace.

Don’t Compare Yourself

You definitely won’t be able to find your inner peace if you’re too busy comparing yourself to others.

Equally important, make sure to not compare your past self to your present self. Dwelling on the past will do anything but help you find your inner peace.

Your journey is your own. Therefore, don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s journey.

Date Yourself

Dating yourself is a growing trend for good reason. Traditional dates often lead to disappointment.

Dating yourself can allow you to nourish your interests and prioritize your wants and needs ahead of someone else’s.

Connecting with yourself on a deeper level in this way may help you find your inner peace.

Practice Gratitude Daily

Gratitude is the act of being thankful for what you have. It’s also one of the most important things you can do to increase your happiness and wellbeing.

Gratitude helps you appreciate what you have, even when it feels like there isn’t much to be grateful for.

By practicing gratitude and making it a habit, you become more aware of the positive aspects in your life.

Create Change

Perhaps you cannot find your inner peace because you are unsettled. This might be a sign to create change in small or significant ways.

It’s important to pay attention to when and where you feel your best.

If you’re feeling stuck or unsettled, identify ways that you can redirect your life and change course.

Take A Social Media Hiatus

Perhaps you haven’t been able to find your inner peace because you’re too distracted by the noise of social media.

It’s easy to succumb to the pressure and temptation of routinely checking social media, but take the time to measure you how feel when you put your phone down.

Experiment by taking a hiatus from social media, perhaps a 7-day or 30-day period, to work on finding your inner peace and eliminating the noise of the outside world.

Keep Perspective

One of the best ways to find inner peace is to keep perspective.

Eliminate the negative and accentuate the positive. It’s easy to focus on what’s wrong with your life, but if you spend all of your time looking at the dark side of things, it’ll be hard to find happiness.

Focus on the positive elements that spark joy to find and maintain your inner peace.

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