How to Be Successful And Mediocre All at Once

How To Be Both Successful and Mediocre

The term mediocrity carries negative connotations as if it’s the antithesis of success.

What if you wanted to be successful, anonymous, and average all at once? Can all three coexist? Should you feel shame with desiring mediocrity?

While many might disagree, there is a way to be both successful and mediocre at the same time.

Part of the reason is because success is entirely subjective.

There are certainly parameters in how success is traditionally measured, but the idea of success is arbitrary.

First, define what success means to you. Imagine what success would look life in your life. Then, consider what mediocrity actually means.

Mediocrity is defined as being of only average quality, though not exceptionally good or bad. It’s important to note that mediocrity is not the same as failure—it’s simply being average.

Many people view mediocrity as an undesirable limbo state to be in, but it can be quite rewarding depending on your goals.

The Benefits of Being Mediocre

For starters, mediocrity can reduce the pressure and stress that come with striving for perfection. When you accept that you’re not exceptional in every area of your life, you can focus on the things that matter most to you without being bogged down by the expectations of others.

Additionally, being mediocre can help you persevere when faced with setbacks or failures. If you’re already used to being average, it can be easier to pick yourself up and try again when things don’t go as planned.

What Mediocrity Does Not Mean

Mediocrity doesn’t necessarily mean that you lack goals. It also doesn’t mean that you do not strive to excel at certain things.

For example, you may strive to be an excellent parent or partner because that’s what you value in life. But, for work, your content with not being an executive or climbing the ladder.

You can still land lucrative jobs that are low-profile if you enjoy flying under-the-radar and appreciate not having the responsibility and pressure that comes with being a leader.

Striking the Balance

How can you strike the balance between success AND mediocrity?

The key is to identify what you value, which areas of your life you truly want to excel in, and which areas you’re content with being average.

Your path is yours to pave and is not to be judged by anyone else.

By concentrating your energy and efforts on the areas that truly matter to you, you can experience success while being content with mediocrity in others.

Embracing Mediocrity

As noted, it is important to remember that being mediocre in certain areas of your life is not a failure. It’s very common to be average at something and it doesn’t define your worth as a person.

Instead of viewing mediocrity as a negative thing, try to embrace it as a way to protect your inner peace and reduce stress.

Finding Contentment

Ultimately, the key to balancing success and mediocrity is finding contentment in both. You don’t have to be exceptional at everything to be successful in life.

Your success is yours to measure.

By focusing on the areas that truly matter to you and accepting mediocrity in others, you can create contentment. Remember that success is an idea and you can write your own definition of it.

The Takeaway

Being successful and mediocre may seem like a paradox, but it might just be the best of both worlds.

Finding the balance in being both subjectively successful and mediocre may even lead to a better quality of life.

It’s possible to leverage average qualities with fundamental skills to have what you need in life while still living a life to be proud of.

Defining success on your own terms and finding contentment in mediocrity may be the recipe for a happy and fulfilling life you didn’t know existed.

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