16 Ways To Instantly Be More Likable

16 Ways To Instantly Be More Likable

It’s often challenging to know how you are perceived by others. In order to successfully make positive impressions on people, here are 16 tips to instantly be more likable and create a favorable image for yourself with anyone you meet.

1. Avoid Gossip

It’s very difficult to undo a negative reputation. And one of the worst reputations you can have is being a gossip. Even if the person you are gossiping to seems unbothered by it, they might imagine that you would gossip about them as well behind their back.

A foolproof way to instantly be more likable is to avoid gossiping at all costs. It’s not worth the hit to your reputation. Plus, if you don’t want to be gossiped about, then you shouldn’t be doing it about others.

2. Be An Active Listener

Being an active listener is a great way to both make a winning first impression and to instantly be more likable. Active listening requires you to be engaged in a conversation. Asking thoughtful questions is a good way to show genuine interest. While nodding along can sometimes be seen as silent, supportive cues to demonstrate that you’re following along, make sure that you’re not nodding in a disengaged fashion.

Be conscious of your body language and make sure to not interrupt the person talking. Your eyes shouldn’t be darting around the room. Instead, maintain eye contact and stay focused. Don’t be preoccupied planning what to say next.

3. Avoid Superiority

Looking down on someone is never a good look. No matter how successful you might be or how many strengths you have, your worth is no greater than anyone else’s. Everyone has something to offer.

Mold your mindset to remember that you are not superior to anyone else. It’s highly unlikely that people would want to befriend someone who suggests they are superior to others.

4. Be Open-Minded

Being open-minded is a surefire way to instantly be more likable. It shows that you’re not quick to shut something down and that you are open to hearing views and opinions that may differ from your own beliefs.

Being viewed as open-minded also creates a safe space for others. They will likely feel safer to express themselves authentically without being judged.

5. Avoid Negativity

One of the best ways to instantly be more likable is to be positive. Positivity is contagious and people will like being in your company. A positive attitude creates an overall positive image of you.

You don’t have to overdo it, and you certainly want to avoid toxic positivity. Instead, practice authentic positivity so you are not seen as disingenuous to others.

6. Be Prudent

Practicing prudence means that you care about the weight of your words and actions, and are cautious about the consequences they could have. Being prudent demonstrates that you are mindful and have emotional intelligence and maturity – all great qualities to possess.

7. Avoid Arrogance

Arrogance is not a good look on anyone. It’s important to understand how to be confident without sounding cocky. Remember, that confidence is a quiet art. Your strengths can speak for themselves. There’s no need to be boastful.

8. Be Authentic

Being authentic is imperative to winning people over. People can usually determine if you’re not being sincere with them; therefore, you should always be genuine in order to create a meaningful connection with someone.

9. Give Compliments

One of the simplest ways to instantly be more likable is to pay someone a compliment. Even the most simplest of compliments can turn around someone’s day for the better.

When you pay someone a compliment, they likely will think of you in a positive light going forward. Plus, it costs you nothing.

10. Be Empathetic

Empathy involves putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and trying to feel what they’re feeling. You can cultivate empathy in your actions by being mindful about what others are going through, asking them about it, and trying honestly to see things from another’s perspective.

11. Remember Names

Every person’s name is tied to their identity. Therefore, remembering someone’s name makes them feel seen. It’s not only important to remember names, but you should remember how to pronounce them correctly. And if you’re unsure, ask them.

12. Be Humble

Having humility is a quality that everyone should possess, and is one of the easiest ways to instantly be more likable. It’s natural to be proud of your accomplishments and to own your worth, but make sure to not be pompous. Being boastful can rub people the wrong way.

13. Ask Questions

If there’s one thing that people love to do, it’s talk about themselves. According to research, when a person talks about themselves, this lights up the same areas of the brain associated with pleasurable acts like eating good food.

Therefore, you can make people like you by asking thoughtful questions about themselves and discussing their interests.

14. Be Mannerly

How you treat others is a reflection of your character. For example, you should speak to your waiter or barista with the same amount of respect as you would your boss. You should also make a practice to not interrupt others when they are speaking.

Being devoid of manners demonstrates that you lack respect for others, which is a surefire way to not be viewed favorably. Remember, good manners apply to any setting you’re in and never go out of style.

15. Smile and Maintain Eye Contact

Eye contact and smiling are important elements in any conversation. That said, there’s an art to smiling and eye contact.

For instance, people generally don’t value quick and fleeting smiles because they tend to look impersonal. Instead, it’s better to let the conversation start and then find a moment to smile warmly while maintaining eye contact.

This is more personal, and it lets people know the smile is meant for just them and it’s not an automatic response. A genuine smile is infectious, so when someone smiles back, they associate you with positive feelings.

Similarly, holding someone’s gaze is a powerful communication method that makes people notice, trust, and remember you.

16. Be Reliable

Having a reputation as someone who always follows through is a surefire way to instantly be more likable. Being reliable demonstrates that people can trust you to keep your word and follow through with commitments.

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